ElasticGraph Query API: Sub-Aggregations

The example schema used throughout this guide has a number of lists-of-object fields nested within the overall Artist type:

  • Artist.albums
    • Artist.albums[].tracks
  • Artist.tours
    • Artist.tours[].shows

ElasticGraph supports aggregations on these nested fields via subAggregations. This can be used to aggregate directly on the data of one of these fields. For example, this query returns the total sales for all albums of all artists:

query TotalAlbumSales {
  artistAggregations {
    nodes {
      subAggregations {
        albums {
          nodes {
            aggregatedValues {
              soldUnits {

Sub-aggregations can also be performed under the groupings of an outer aggregation. For example, this query returns the total album sales grouped by the home country of the artist:

query TotalAlbumSalesByArtistHomeCountry {
  artistAggregations {
    nodes {
      groupedBy {
        bio {

      subAggregations {
        albums {
          nodes {
            aggregatedValues {
              soldUnits {

Sub-aggregation nodes offer the standard set of aggregation operations:

Filtering Sub-Aggregations

The data included in a sub-aggregation can be filtered. For example, this query gets the total sales of all albums released in the 21st century:

query TwentyFirstCenturyAlbumSales {
  artistAggregations {
    nodes {
      subAggregations {
        albums(filter: {
          releasedOn: {gte: "2000-01-01"}
        }) {
          nodes {
            aggregatedValues {
              soldUnits {

Sub-Aggregation Limitations

Sub-aggregation pagination support is limited. You can use first to request how many nodes are returned, but there is no pageInfo and you cannot request the next page of data:

query AlbumSalesByReleaseMonth {
  artistAggregations {
    nodes {
      subAggregations {
        albums(first: 100) {
          nodes {
            groupedBy {
              releasedOn {
                asDate(truncationUnit: MONTH)

            aggregatedValues {
              soldUnits {

Sub-aggregation counts are approximate. Instead of count, ElasticGraph offers countDetail with multiple subfields:

query AlbumCount {
  artistAggregations {
    nodes {
      subAggregations {
        albums {
          nodes {
            countDetail {
The (approximate) count of documents in this aggregation bucket.

When documents in an aggregation bucket are sourced from multiple shards, the count may be only approximate. The upperBound indicates the maximum value of the true count, but usually the true count is much closer to this approximate value (which also provides a lower bound on the true count).

When this approximation is known to be exact, the same value will be available from exactValue and upperBound.

The exact count of documents in this aggregation bucket, if an exact value can be determined.

When documents in an aggregation bucket are sourced from multiple shards, it may not be possible to efficiently determine an exact value. When no exact value can be determined, this field will be null. The approximateValue field–which will never be null–can be used to get an approximation for the count.

An upper bound on how large the true count of documents in this aggregation bucket could be.

When documents in an aggregation bucket are sourced from multiple shards, it may not be possible to efficiently determine an exact value. The approximateValue field provides an approximation, and this field puts an upper bound on the true count.