ElasticGraph Query API: List Filtering

ElasticGraph supports a couple predicates for filtering on list fields:

Matches records where any of the list elements match the provided sub-filter.

When null or an empty object is passed, matches all documents.

Used to filter on the number of non-null elements in this list field.

When null or an empty object is passed, matches all documents.

Filtering on list elements with anySatisfy

When filtering on a list field, use anySatisfy to find records with matching list elements. This query, for example, will find artists that released a platinum-selling album in the 1990s:

query ArtistsWithPlatinum90sAlbum {
  artists(filter: {
    albums: {
      anySatisfy: {
        soldUnits: {gte: 1000000}
        releasedOn: {gte: "1990-01-01", lt: "2000-01-01"}
  }) {
    nodes {
      albums {

One thing to bear in mind: this query is selecting which artists to return, not which albums to return. You might expect that the returned nodes.albums would all be platinum-selling 90s albums, but that’s not how the filtering API works. Only artists that had a platinum-selling 90s album will be returned, and for each returned artists, all their albums will be returned–even ones that sold poorly or were released outside the 1990s.

Filtering on the list size with count

If you’d rather filter on the size of a list, use count:

query FindProlificArtists {
  artists(filter: {
    albums: {count: {gte: 20}}
  }) {
    nodes {
      albums {