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GitHub Extension

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This tutorial covers how to add the GitHub MCP Server as a Goose extension to enable file operations, repository management, search functionality, and more.



npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-github

Environment Variable




Note that you'll need Node.js installed on your system to run this command, as it uses npx.

  1. Run the configure command:
goose configure
  1. Choose to add a Command-line Extension
  ┌   goose-configure 

◇ What would you like to configure?
│ Add Extension

◆ What type of extension would you like to add?
│ ○ Built-in Extension
│ ● Command-line Extension (Run a local command or script)
│ ○ Remote Extension

  1. Give your extension a name
  ┌   goose-configure 

◇ What would you like to configure?
│ Add Extension

◇ What type of extension would you like to add?
│ Command-line Extension

◆ What would you like to call this extension?
│ github

  1. Enter the command
  ┌   goose-configure 

◇ What would you like to configure?
│ Add Extension

◇ What type of extension would you like to add?
│ Command-line Extension

◇ What would you like to call this extension?
│ github

◆ What command should be run?
│ npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-github

  1. Obtain a GitHub Personal Access Token and paste it in.

When creating your access token, you can specify the repositories and granular permissions you'd like Goose to have access to.

 ┌   goose-configure 

◇ What would you like to configure?
│ Add Extension

◇ What type of extension would you like to add?
│ Command-line Extension

◇ What would you like to call this extension?
│ github

◇ What command should be run?
│ npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/server-github
◆ Would you like to add environment variables?
│ Yes

◇ Environment variable name:

◇ Environment variable value:
│ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪

◇ Add another environment variable?
│ No
└ Added github extension

Example Usage

When creating my GitHub Personal Access Token, I gave it the following access:

  • Repository: goose-demo
  • Read access to metadata
  • Read and Write access to code, commit status, issues, and pull requests

Goose Prompt

create a new branch called hello-world in my angiejones/goose-demo repository. Update the file to say "this was written by goose" and commit it. Open a pull request with your changes.

Goose Output

I'll help you create a new branch, update the README, and open a pull request. Let me break this down into steps:

1. First, let's create the new branch called "hello-world" in your repository
2. Then update the file
3. Finally, create a pull request

Let me execute these steps:

1. Creating the new branch:

─── create_branch | github ──────────────────────────
branch: hello-world
owner: angiejones
repo: goose-demo

2. Now, updating the file in the new branch:

─── create_or_update_file | github ──────────────────────────
branch: hello-world
content: this was written by goose
message: Update with Goose message
owner: angiejones
repo: goose-demo

3. Finally, creating the pull request:

─── create_pull_request | github ──────────────────────────
base: main
body: ...
head: hello-world
owner: angiejones
repo: goose-demo
title: Update

Great! I've completed all the requested tasks:
1. Created a new branch called "hello-world"
2. Updated the file with the text "this was written by goose"
3. Created a pull request to merge these changes into the main branch

You can view the pull request at:

The pull request is now ready for your review. Would you like me to do anything else with it?