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FTL is a platform for building distributed systems that are safe to operate, easy to reason about, and fast to iterate and develop on.

Infrastructure as code

Not YAML. Declare your infrastructure in the same language you're writing in as type-safe values, rather than in separate configuration files disassociated from their point of use.

Language agnostic

FTL makes it possible to write backend code in your language of choice. You write normal code, and FTL extracts a service interface from your code directly, making your functions and types automatically available to all supported languages.

Fearless development against production

There is no substitute for production data. FTL plans to support forking of production infrastructure and code during development.

Fearlessly modify types

Multiple versions of a single verb with different signatures can be live concurrently. See Unison for inspiration. We can statically detect changes that would violate runtime and persistent data constraints.

AI from the ground up

We plan to integrate AI sensibly and deeply into the FTL platform. Automated AI-driven tuning suggestions, automated third-party API integration, and so on.