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Managing Goose Sessions

A session is a single, continuous interaction between you and Goose, providing a space to ask questions and prompt action. In this guide, we'll cover how to start, exit, and resume a session.

Start Session

From your terminal, navigate to the directory from which you'd like to start, and run:

goose session 

If this is your first session, Goose will prompt you for an API key to access an LLM (Large Language Model) of your choice. For more information on setting up your API key, see the Installation Guide. Here is the list of supported LLMs.

Name Session

By default, Goose will provide a random string as the name of your session. If you'd like to provide a specific name, this is where you'd do so. For example to name your session react-migration, you would run:

goose session -n react-migration

You'll know your session has started when your terminal looks similar to the following:

starting session | provider: openai model: gpt-4o
logging to ~/.local/share/goose/sessions/react-migration.json1

Exit Session

To save and exit a session, hold down Ctrl + C. Alternatively, you can type exit to save and exit the session.

Your session will be stored locally in ~/.local/share/goose/sessions.

Resume Session

To resume your latest session, you can run the following command:

 goose session -r

To resume a specific session, run the following command:

goose session -r --name <name>

For example, to resume the session named react-migration, you would run:

goose session -r --name react-migration

While you can resume sessions using the commands above, we recommend creating new sessions for new tasks to reduce the chance of doom spiraling.