Package-level declarations

Extensions of built-in types (e.g. Either, Option, etc)


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typealias ErrorOr<T> = Either<Throwable, T>
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object Nullable
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typealias OutcomeOf<A> = Outcome<Throwable, A>


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fun <E, A> Either<E, A>.asOption(): Option<A>

Turns your Either into an Option.

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fun <E, A> ValidatedNel<E, A>.attemptValidated(): Either<Throwable, A>

Turns your Validated List into an Either, but will throw an exception in the Left hand case.

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@JvmName(name = "tryCatch")
inline fun <R> Result.Companion.catch(f: () -> R): Result<R>

Calls the specified function block and returns its encapsulated result if invocation was successful, catching any non-fatal exceptions thrown from the block function execution and encapsulating them as failures.

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inline fun <ERR, A, B> ValidatedNel<ERR, A>.concatMap(f: (A) -> ValidatedNel<ERR, B>): ValidatedNel<ERR, B>

The Validated type doesn't natively support flatMap because of the monad laws that it breaks. But this is what flatMap would do if it were allowed. We've called it concatMap because the Kotlin compiler will want to wire in the Monad flatMap extension instead and confusion reigns.

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Make any exception a Failure.

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fun <A> List<Option<A>>.filterNotNone(): List<A>

Returns a list without Nones

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inline fun <A, B, C> Either<A, B>.flatTap(f: (B) -> Either<A, C>): Either<A, B>

Performs an effect over the right side of the value but maps the original value back into the Either. This is useful for mixing with validation functions.

inline fun <A> Result<A>.flatTap(f: (A) -> Result<Any>): Result<A>

Performs an effect over successes but maps the original value back into the Result. This is useful for mixing with validation functions.

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Flattens a Result<Result<T>> into a Result<T>

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inline fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.forEach(f: (B) -> Unit)

Performs an effect on the right side of the Either.

inline fun <A> Option<A>.forEach(f: (A) -> Unit)

Runs a side effect if the option is a Some

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fun <K, A> Map<K, A>.getOption(k: K): Option<A>

Extension function to get an Option from a nullable object on a map.

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inline fun <A, B, C> Either<A, B>.handleErrorWith(f: (A) -> Either<C, B>): Either<C, B>

Recovers the left side of an Either with the supplied function

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inline fun <T> Result<T>.handleFailureWith(f: (Throwable) -> Result<T>): Result<T>

Recovers errors with a function from Throwable to Result.

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inline fun <T> Option<T>.ifAbsent(f: () -> Unit)

Takes a function to run if your Option is None. Returns Unit if your Option is Some.

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inline fun <A> Option<A>.ifPresent(f: (A) -> Unit)

Runs a side effect if the option is a Some. Same as forEach, just a different name for better symmetry with ifAbsent.

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inline fun <T> Result<T>.isFailure(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns false if Success or returns the result of the given predicate to the Failure value.

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inline fun <T> Result<T>.isSuccess(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns false if Failure or returns the result of the given predicate to the Success value.

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fun <E, A> Either<E, A>.leftAsOption(): Option<E>

Turns the left side of your Either into an Option.

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inline fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.leftForEach(f: (A) -> Unit)

Performs an effect on the left side of the Either.

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fun <A> listOfSome(vararg elements: Option<A>): List<A>

Constructs a flattened list without Nones

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fun <A, B> suspend () -> (A) -> B): suspend () -> B

Map on this suspended supplier with a suspended function.

fun <A, B, C> suspend (A) -> (B) -> C): suspend (A) -> C

Map on this suspended function with another.

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inline fun <N : Throwable, T> Result<T>.mapFailure(f: (exception: Throwable) -> N): Result<T>

If a Result is a failure, maps the underlying Throwable to a new Throwable.

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inline fun <A, B> Nel<A>.mapNotNone(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Nel<B>>

Applies a function that produces an Option to a NonEmptyList. The result is None if the resulting list would be empty, otherwise Some(NonEmptyList).

inline fun <A, B> List<A>.mapNotNone(f: (A) -> Option<B>): List<B>

Returns a list containing only the non-None results of applying the given transform function to each element in the original collection.

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inline fun <E, T, V> Either<E, Option<T>>.mapOption(f: (T) -> V): Either<E, Option<V>>

Map on a nested Either Option type.

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inline fun <E, A> Either<E, A>.or(f: () -> Either<E, A>): Either<E, A>

Returns the first successful either, otherwise the last failure

infix fun <T> Option<T>.or(other: Option<T>): Option<T>
infix fun <T> Option<T>.or(other: () -> Option<T>): Option<T>

Returns this if it's a Some, otherwise returns the other instance

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fun <T> Option<T>.orEmpty(f: (T) -> String): String

Will return an empty string if the Optional value supplied is None

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fun <A> Either<Throwable, A>.orThrow(): A

Retrieves the Right hand of an Either, or throws the Left hand error

fun <A> Result<A>.orThrow(): A

Retrieves the success of a Result, or throws the failure. Alias of getOrThrow, included for consistency with ErrorOr.

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fun <E, A> Either<E, Option<A>>.sequence(): Option<Either<E, A>>
fun <E, A> Either<E, Iterable<A>>.sequence(): List<Either<E, A>>
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fun <T> T.success(): Result<T>

Make anything a Success.

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fun <ERR, A> ValidatedNel<ERR, A>.takeLeft(other: ValidatedNel<ERR, A>): ValidatedNel<ERR, A>

Often you have two validations that return the same thing, and you don't want necessarily to pair them. takeLeft will return the value of the left side iff both validations succeed.

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fun <ERR, A> ValidatedNel<ERR, A>.takeRight(other: ValidatedNel<ERR, A>): ValidatedNel<ERR, A>

Often you have two validations that return the same thing, and you don't want necessarily to pair them. takeRight will return the value of the right side iff both validations succeed.

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inline fun <A, B> Result<A>.tap(f: (A) -> B): Result<A>

Performs an effect over successes but maps the original value back into the Result.

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inline fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.tapLeft(f: (A) -> Unit): Either<A, B>

Pass the left value to the function (e.g. for logging errors)

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fun <T> Result<T>.toEither(): ErrorOr<T>

Transforms a Result<T> into an ErrorOr<T>

inline fun <A, B> B?.toEither(left: () -> A): Either<A, B>

Lifts a nullable value into an Either, similar to toOption. Must supply the left side of the Either.

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Transforms a Result<T> into an OutcomeOf<T>

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fun <T> Result<Option<T>>.toOutcomeOf(): OutcomeOf<T>

Transforms a Result<Option<T>> to an OutcomeOf<A>

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fun <T> ErrorOr<T>.toResult(): Result<T>

Downgrades an ErrorOr to a Result.

inline fun <A : Throwable, B> B?.toResult(error: () -> A): Result<B>

Turns a nullable value into a Result.

inline fun <A, B : Throwable> Option<A>.toResult(error: () -> B): Result<A>

Turns an Option value into a Result.

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inline fun <T, E> Option<T>.toValidatedNel(error: () -> E): ValidatedNel<E, T>

Turns your Option into a Validated list of T if it's a Some. If it's a None, will return a Nel of the error function passed in

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inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.traverse(transform: (value: A) -> Option<B>): Option<Either<E, B>>
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.traverse(transform: (value: A) -> Iterable<B>): List<Either<E, B>>
inline fun <A, B, AA, C> Ior<A, B>.traverse(f: (B) -> Either<AA, C>): Either<AA, Ior<A, C>>
inline fun <A, B, C> Ior<A, B>.traverse(f: (B) -> Option<C>): Option<Ior<A, C>>
inline fun <A, B, C> Ior<A, B>.traverse(f: (B) -> Iterable<C>): List<Ior<A, C>>

inline fun <E, A, B> Nel<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, NonEmptyList<B>>

Map a function that returns an Either across the NonEmptyList.

inline fun <A, B> NonEmptyList<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<NonEmptyList<B>>

Map a function that returns an Option across the NonEmptyList.

inline fun <T, E, U> Option<T>.traverse(f: (T) -> Either<E, U>): Either<E, Option<U>>

Map a function that returns an Either across the Option.

inline fun <A, B> Option<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<Option<B>>

Map a function that returns an Iterable across the Option.

inline fun <E, A, B> Iterable<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, List<B>>

Returns an Either of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.

inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<List<B>>

Returns an Option of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.

inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Result<B>): Result<List<B>>

Returns a Result of a list of B results of applying the given transform function to each element(A) in the original collection.

inline fun <K, E, A, B> Map<K, A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, Map<K, B>>

Map a function that returns an Either over all the values in the Map. If the function returns a Right, the value is added to the resulting Map. If the function returns a Left, the result is the Left.

inline fun <K, A, B> Map<K, A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Map<K, B>>

Map a function that returns an Option over all the values in the Map. If the function returns a Some, the value is added to the resulting Map. If the function returns a None, the result is None.

inline fun <A, E, B> Sequence<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, List<B>>

Map a function that returns an Either across the Sequence.

inline fun <A, B> Sequence<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<List<B>>

Map a function that returns an Option across the Sequence.

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inline fun <A, B, AA, C> Ior<A, B>.traverseEither(f: (B) -> Either<AA, C>): Either<AA, Ior<A, C>>

inline fun <E, A, B> Nel<A>.traverseEither(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, NonEmptyList<B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Either): Either>

inline fun <T, E, U> Option<T>.traverseEither(f: (T) -> Either<E, U>): Either<E, Option<U>>

Synonym for traverse((T)-> Either): Either>

inline fun <E, A, B> Iterable<A>.traverseEither(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, List<B>>
inline fun <A, E, B> Sequence<A>.traverseEither(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, List<B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Either): Either>

inline fun <K, E, A, B> Map<K, A>.traverseEither(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, Map<K, B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Either): Either>

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inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.traverseOption(transform: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Either<E, B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Option): Option>

inline fun <A, B, C> Ior<A, B>.traverseOption(f: (B) -> Option<C>): Option<Ior<A, C>>

inline fun <A, B> NonEmptyList<A>.traverseOption(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<NonEmptyList<B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Option): Option>

inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.traverseOption(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<List<B>>
inline fun <A, B> Sequence<A>.traverseOption(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<List<B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Option): Option>

inline fun <K, A, B> Map<K, A>.traverseOption(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Map<K, B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Option): Option>

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inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.traverseResult(f: (A) -> Result<B>): Result<List<B>>

Synonym for traverse((A)-> Result): Result>

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fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.unit(): Either<A, Unit>

Map right to Unit. This restores .void() which was deprecated by Arrow.

fun <A> Option<A>.unit(): Option<Unit>

Map some to Unit. This restores .void() which was deprecated by Arrow.

fun <T> Result<T>.unit(): Result<Unit>

Map success to Unit, included for consistency with Either.

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inline fun <ERR, A> A.validate(predicate: (A) -> Boolean, error: (A) -> ERR): ValidatedNel<ERR, A>

Given a predicate and an error generating function return either the original value in a ValidNel if the predicate evaluates as true or the generated error in an InvalidNel.

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inline fun <ERR, A> A.validateEither(predicate: (A) -> Boolean, error: (A) -> ERR): Either<ERR, A>

Given a predicate and an error generating function return either the original value in a Right if the predicate evaluates as true or the error as a Left.

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inline fun <ERR, A, B> A.validateMap(f: (A) -> Either<Throwable, B>, error: (A, Throwable) -> ERR): ValidatedNel<ERR, B>

Given a mapping function and an error message, return either the result of the function in a ValidNel if the function completes successfully, or the error message in an InvalidNel.

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fun <B> B?.validateNotNull(label: Option<String> = None): Either<Throwable, B>

Turns a nullable value into an Either. This is useful for building validation functions.

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suspend fun <T> suspend () -> ErrorOr<T>.withRetries(until: (ErrorOr<T>) -> Boolean = { it.isRight() }, additionalTimes: Int = 4, delay: Duration = Duration.ofMillis(20L), exponentialBackoff: Boolean = false, jitter: Boolean = false): ErrorOr<T>

Retry a suspended supplier of an ErrorOr until a maximum number of times or a predicate has been fulfilled.

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suspend fun <T> suspend () -> T.withRetriesOrThrow(until: (ErrorOr<T>) -> Boolean = { it.isRight() }, additionalTimes: Int = 4, delay: Duration = Duration.ofMillis(20L), exponentialBackoff: Boolean = false, jitter: Boolean = false): ErrorOr<T>

Retry a suspended supplier until a maximum number of times or a predicate has been fulfilled.

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inline fun <A, B, C, D> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, transform: (B, C) -> D): Either<A, D>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, transform: (B, C, D) -> E): Either<A, E>
inline fun <A, B, C, D> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, map: (B, C) -> D): Ior<A, D>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, transform: (B, C, D, E) -> F): Either<A, F>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, map: (B, C, D) -> E): Ior<A, E>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F) -> G): Either<A, G>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, map: (B, C, D, E) -> F): Ior<A, F>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, f: Either<A, G>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G) -> H): Either<A, H>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, map: (B, C, D, E, F) -> G): Ior<A, G>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, f: Either<A, G>, g: Either<A, H>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> I): Either<A, I>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, g: Ior<A, G>, map: (B, C, D, E, F, G) -> H): Ior<A, H>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, f: Either<A, G>, g: Either<A, H>, h: Either<A, I>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> J): Either<A, J>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, g: Ior<A, G>, h: Ior<A, H>, map: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> I): Ior<A, I>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, f: Either<A, G>, g: Either<A, H>, h: Either<A, I>, i: Either<A, J>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> K): Either<A, K>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, g: Ior<A, G>, h: Ior<A, H>, i: Ior<A, I>, map: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> J): Ior<A, J>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> Either<A, B>.zip(b: Either<A, C>, c: Either<A, D>, d: Either<A, E>, e: Either<A, F>, f: Either<A, G>, g: Either<A, H>, h: Either<A, I>, i: Either<A, J>, j: Either<A, K>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> L): Either<A, L>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, g: Ior<A, G>, h: Ior<A, H>, i: Ior<A, I>, j: Ior<A, J>, map: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> K): Ior<A, K>
inline fun <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L> Ior<A, B>.zip(crossinline combine: (A, A) -> A, c: Ior<A, C>, d: Ior<A, D>, e: Ior<A, E>, f: Ior<A, F>, g: Ior<A, G>, h: Ior<A, H>, i: Ior<A, I>, j: Ior<A, J>, k: Ior<A, K>, transform: (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) -> L): Ior<A, L>