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FTL has support for Postgresql and MySQL databases, including support for automatic provisioning and migrations.

The process for declaring a database differs by language.

To use a database in go you must create a struct that implements either the ftl.MySQLDatabaseConfig or ftl.PostgresDatabaseConfig interface. Generally this will involve creating a struct that embeds the ftl.DefaultMySQLDatabaseConfig or ftl.DefaultPostgresDatabaseConfig struct and then implementing the Name() string method.

You can then use the ftl.DatabaseHandle type to access the database by injecting it into an FTL verb. An example for MySQL is shown below:

package mysql

import (

"" // Import the FTL SDK.

type TestDatasourceConfig struct {

func (TestDatasourceConfig) Name() string { return "testdb" }

//ftl:verb export
func Query(ctx context.Context, db ftl.DatabaseHandle[TestDatasourceConfig]) ([]string, error) {
var database *sql.DB = db.Get(ctx) // Get the database connection.
// The following code is standard golang SQL code, it has nothing FTL specific.
rows, err := database.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT data FROM requests")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var items []string
for rows.Next() {
var i string
if err := rows.Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, err
items = append(items, i)
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return items, nil


FTL includes support for automatically provisioning databases. The actual backing implementation is extensible, and presently we include support for both local development provisioning using docker, and cloud formations based provisioning for AWS deployments. When using ftl dev a docker container will automatically be spun up for each datasource that has been defined, and FTL will automatically handle configuration. The same applies when deploying to an AWS cluster with cloud formations provisioning setup.


FTL includes support for automatically running migrations on databases. This is provided by dbmate.

To create migrations you can use the ftl new-sql-migration command. This will create new migration files, and initialize the required directory structure if it does not exist. The format of the command is ftl new-sql-migration <module>.<datasource> <migration-name>.

The module name can be omitted if the current working directory only contains a single module.

E.g. to create a new migration called init for the testdb datasource in the mysql module you would run ftl new-sql-migration mysql.testdb init.

When the modules are provisioned FTL will automatically run these migrations for you.