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HTTP Ingress

Verbs annotated with ftl:ingress will be exposed via HTTP (http is the default ingress type). These endpoints will then be available on one of our default ingress ports (local development defaults to http://localhost:8891).

The following will be available at http://localhost:8891/http/users/123/posts?postId=456.

type GetRequestPathParams struct {
UserID string `json:"userId"`

type GetRequestQueryParams struct {
PostID string `json:"postId"`

type GetResponse struct {
Message string `json:"msg"`

//ftl:ingress GET /http/users/{userId}/posts
func Get(ctx context.Context, req builtin.HttpRequest[ftl.Unit, GetRequestPathParams, GetRequestQueryParams]) (builtin.HttpResponse[GetResponse, ErrorResponse], error) {
// ...

Because the example above only has a single path parameter it can be simplified by just using a scalar such as string or int64 as the path parameter type:

//ftl:ingress GET /http/users/{userId}/posts
func Get(ctx context.Context, req builtin.HttpRequest[ftl.Unit, int64, GetRequestQueryParams]) (builtin.HttpResponse[GetResponse, ErrorResponse], error) {
// ...

The req and resp types of HTTP ingress verbs must be builtin.HttpRequest and builtin.HttpResponse respectively. These types provide the necessary fields for HTTP ingress (headers, statusCode, etc.)

Key points:

  • ingress verbs will be automatically exported by default.

Field mapping

The HttpRequest request object takes 3 type parameters, the body, the path parameters and the query parameters.

Given the following request verb:

type PostBody struct{
Title string `json:"title"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Tag ftl.Option[string] `json:"tag"`
type PostPathParams struct {
UserID string `json:"userId"`
PostID string `json:"postId"`

type PostQueryParams struct {
Publish boolean `json:"publish"`

//ftl:ingress http PUT /users/{userId}/posts/{postId}
func Get(ctx context.Context, req builtin.HttpRequest[PostBody, PostPathParams, PostQueryParams]) (builtin.HttpResponse[GetResponse, string], error) {
return builtin.HttpResponse[GetResponse, string]{
Headers: map[string][]string{"Get": {"Header from FTL"}},
Body: ftl.Some(GetResponse{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("UserID: %s, PostID: %s, Tag: %s", req.pathParameters.UserID, req.pathParameters.PostID, req.Body.Tag.Default("none")),
}, nil

The rules for how each element is mapped are slightly different, as they have a different structure:

  • The body is mapped directly to the body of the request, generally as a JSON object. Scalars are also supported, as well as []byte to get the raw body. If they type is any then it will be assumed to be JSON and mapped to the appropriate types based on the JSON structure.
  • The path parameters can be mapped directly to an object with field names corresponding to the name of the path parameter. If there is only a single path parameter it can be injected directly as a scalar. They can also be injected as a map[string]string.
  • The path parameters can also be mapped directly to an object with field names corresponding to the name of the path parameter. They can also be injected directly as a map[string]string, or map[string][]string for multiple values.

Optional fields

Optional fields are represented by the ftl.Option type. The Option type is a wrapper around the actual type and can be Some or None. In the example above, the Tag field is optional.

curl -i http://localhost:8891/users/123/posts/456

Because the tag query parameter is not provided, the response will be:

"msg": "UserID: 123, PostID: 456, Tag: none"


Field names use lowerCamelCase by default. You can override this by using the json tag.


Given the following request verb:

//ftl:enum export
type SumType interface {

type A string

func (A) tag() {}

type B []string

func (B) tag() {}

//ftl:ingress http POST /typeenum
func TypeEnum(ctx context.Context, req builtin.HttpRequest[SumType, ftl.Unit, ftl.Unit]) (builtin.HttpResponse[SumType, string], error) {
return builtin.HttpResponse[SumType, string]{Body: ftl.Some(req.Body)}, nil

The following curl request will map the SumType name and value to the req.Body:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8891/typeenum" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"name": "A", "value": "sample"}'

The response will be:

"name": "A",
"value": "sample"

Encoding query params as JSON

Complex query params can also be encoded as JSON using the @json query parameter. For example:

{"tag":"ftl"} url-encoded is %7B%22tag%22%3A%22ftl%22%7D

curl -i http://localhost:8891/users/123/posts/456?@json=%7B%22tag%22%3A%22ftl%22%7D