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Some FTL features allow specifying a retry policy via a language-specific directive. Retries back off exponentially until the maximum is reached.

The directive has the following syntax:

//ftl:retry [<attempts=10>] <min-backoff> [<max-backoff=1hr>] [catch <catchVerb>]

For example, the following function will retry up to 10 times, with a delay of 5s, 10s, 20s, 40s, 60s, 60s, etc.

//ftl:retry 10 5s 1m
func Process(ctx context.Context, in Invoice) error {
// ...

PubSub Subscribers

Subscribers can have a retry policy. For example:

//ftl:retry 5 1s catch recoverPaymentProcessing
func ProcessPayment(ctx context.Context, payment Payment) error {


After all retries have failed, a catch verb can be used to safely recover.

These catch verbs have a request type of builtin.CatchRequest<Req> and no response type. If a catch verb returns an error, it will be retried until it succeeds so it is important to handle errors carefully.

//ftl:retry 5 1s catch recoverPaymentProcessing
func ProcessPayment(ctx context.Context, payment Payment) error {

func RecoverPaymentProcessing(ctx context.Context, request builtin.CatchRequest[Payment]) error {
// safely handle final failure of the payment